Man getting a hearing test and annual hearing check up to make sure his hearing aids work.

You continue to go to the eye doctor once a year if you have glasses, right? Because, with time, your eyes can change. Your eyes and all parts of your body are dynamic not static and this includes your ears. That’s the reason why even when you get hearing aids, you have to continue having your ears checked just like you do with your eyes.

Unfortunately, many people miss those regular checkups. Perhaps they’ve been consumed with enjoying their lives to get back in to see the doctor. Or perhaps lately, work has been difficult. Or it’s possible you’ve just been so satisfied with your hearing aids that you haven’t had a reason to get another appointment. You would normally think of that as a positive thing.

Over time, for individuals suffering from hearing loss, it is even more relevant to have even one follow-up consultation. Yet lots of people neglect ongoing care. According to one survey, only 33% of seniors with hearing aids also used regular hearing services.

Why Do You Require Check Ups Once You Have Hearing Aids?

Your hearing is dynamic. It changes over time. It’s important to adjust the hearing aids to counter those changes. Issues can be detected early and your hearing aids can be tweaked accordingly.

And this is not even the only reason why it might be a smart idea to keep routine checkups with a hearing specialist once you have your hearing aids. Here are a few reasons why you need to make it to your hearing examinations:

  • Calibrating Hearing Aids: There might be need for annual adjustment of your hearing aids because of minute changes in your hearing despite the stability of your overall hearing. Your hearing aids might slowly become less reliable if you don’t get this kind of calibration.
  • Deterioration of hearing: Even with a hearing aid, your hearing may keep degenerating. If this degeneration is slow enough, you probably won’t know it’s occurring without the help of a hearing test. Hearing decline can often be slowed with appropriate alterations to your hearing aids.
  • They might not fit anymore: Considering that your ears are always changing, it’s entirely possible that the way your hearing aids fit in and around your ears will change. Your hearing aids were manufactured to fit in a particular way and normal checkups can guarantee they will continue to do so.
  • It’s essential to get your hearing aids cleaned professionally from time to time in addition to tracking changes in your hearing. We can help make certain your hearing aid is functioning the way it should, clean all the small parts and keep it in top notch condition.

    The Danger of Not Following up With Routine Exams

    The greatest concern, here, is that over time, the hearing aids will stop functioning the way they’re designed to, so you’ll become irritated with them and stop wearing them altogether. Hearing aids make your overall health better and also, needless to say, makes your hearing stronger. You might not notice it immediately, but your hearing could deteriorate quicker if you discontinue wearing your hearing aids. Untreated hearing loss has been connected to many health concerns such as mental decline and a greater chance of accidents.

    In terms of having your hearing aids performing at an optimal level, normal check ups are your best choice. So that you can be sure your hearing aids are functioning as they should be you need to get annual hearing examinations. So now is the time to schedule your hearing appointment.

    The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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